Fire Insurance Coverage

Cover your possessions against loss or damage from fire and other allied perils

Our fire and allied insurance perils policy covers you against the loss or damage of your personal property as a result of fire, lightning, or other allied perils including:

What Fire Insurance Allied Risks covers

  • Explosions – Covers domestic explosions and associated fires. This excludes steam generating boilers, economisers or other vessels, machinery or apparatus or their contents resulting from their own explosion or implosion.
  • Windstorms – Covers complete roofed buildings and contents thereof. This excludes partially constructed buildings and goods stored in the open.
  • Earthquakes or volcanic eruptions - Covers against loss or damage caused either by earthquake shock and fire or volcanic eruption.   
  • Burst Pipes - Bursting or overflowing water tanks, apparatus or pipes. 

More benefits


Covers against severe weather conditions that cause loss or damage due to rapid rise in water levels.

Aircraft damage and/or articles

Covers loss, destruction or damage caused by aircraft, other aerial or space devices and articles dropped from them. This excludes those caused by pressure waves.

Impact damage

Covers loss of or visible physical damage or destruction caused to your insured property due to impact by any rail/road vehicle or animal by direct contact that is not owned by: 

  • the insured or any occupier of the premises or 
  • their employees while acting in the course of their employment.

Optional benefits

  • Direct loss or damage to your property that is caused by strikers and/or riots.
  • The loss or damage to your property caused by any malicious act.

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Telephone number: +233 302 220 966

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