Adepa Family Funeral Policy

A comprehensive life insurance, income support and funeral benefit plan for your nuclear and external family members

Benefits of Adepa Family Plan

The Adepa Family Policy is a complete life insurance package with varied benefits, providing short—to medium-term financial cushioning for grieving families.

The product provides the policyholder with the following life insurance benefits:

  • Funeral cover of up to GHS 30,000.00 for the policyholder and spouse
  • Additional lump sum for policyholder and spouse of up to GHS 70,000.00 each
  • Funeral Cover of up to 15,000 for parents and extended family members
  • Additional Rider Critical Illness Benefit for policyholder and spouse (covers up to 15 disease conditions) sum assured ranges between Ghs5 000 to Ghs100 000
  • Free cover for 5 children
  • Free Accidental Death Benefit
  • Monthly incomes for up to 60 months to serve as dependable family income for dependents upon death of main life or spouse
  • Annual premium escalation levels which are equal for both premium and benefits
  • No premium payments on retiring at the age of 60 years
  • 20% guaranteed money back in 5 years (whether you have made a claim or not)
  • The plans allow you to port your existing funeral policy without going through the waiting period under applicable conditions
  • No underwriting or medical examinations

Who can be covered by the Adepa Family Plan?

The Adepa Family Plan can cover up to twenty-four (24) lives, including the Policyholder, Spouse, Children, Parents, Parents-in-law, Siblings, Grandparents, Uncles, Aunties, Nephews, and Nieces of both policyholder and spouse.

The Adepa Family Policy can cover all relations of the policyholder and spouse.